The UPHA Exceptional Challenge Cup program is designed to provide mentally and physically challenged riders with the excitement of competition and the opportunity to earn awards at local and national shows. This program provides an arena where everyone can experience the rewards of hard work, determination, and perseverance.
The UPHA Exceptional Challenge Cup National Championships took place during the UPHA American Royal National Championship Horse Show in Kansas City, MO, from November 11 to 16, 2024. The week began with the UPHA Exceptional Challenge Cup National Finals, where riders demonstrated their skills across five different levels based on their riding abilities.
The judges for the UPHA Exceptional Challenge Cup Finals included Christy Parker from Hortense, Georgia; Sarah Russell from Citra, Florida; and Tara Wentz-Goosley from Orefield, Pennsylvania.
We extend special thanks to the sponsors of the UPHA Exceptional Challenge Cup program. Their generous support enables UPHA to fund qualifying classes throughout the year at no cost to the competitions. Additionally, it allows UPHA to award scholarships to the national championship participants to cover competition expenses for the riders and transportation costs for the horses.
UPHA Exceptional Challenge Cup National Champions
Level One Champion: Christopher Molony, New Orleans, Louisiana; riding John Dillenger and instructed by Cascade Stables.
Level One Reserve Champion: Elora Staopoli, Tampa, Florida; riding Pot Of Gold, instructed by Bakas Equestrian Center.
Level Two Champion: Payton Woods, Columbia, Illinois; riding SSLLC Vantage Point, instructed by Redwing Farm.
Letvel Two Reserve Champion: Ana Weber, Waterloo, Illinois; riding The Princess Dianna, instructed by Redwing Farm.
Walk & Trot With Assistance Level Three Champion: Emory Taylor, Nevada, Texas; riding Dolly, instructed by Hannah Deviney.
Walk & Trot With Assistance Level Three Reserve Champion: Haley Purser, Silver Springs, Florida, riding Donny. instructed by Stirrups N Strides Therapeutic Riding Center.
Walk & Trot With Assistance Level Four Champion: Lydia Simons, Kansas City, Missouri; riding Look Closely, instructed by Linden Hills.
Walk & Trot with Assistance Level Four Reserve Champion: Ava Peirson, Kansas City, Missouri; riding Poncho, instructed by Linden Hills.
Walk & Trot with Assistance Level Five Champion: Meghan Yarbough, Tampa, Florida; riding Chasing A Dream, instructed by Bakas Equestrian Center.
Walk & Trot with Assistance Level Five Reserve Champion: Chelsea Yarbough, Tampa, Florida; riding Secret Keeper, instructed by Bakas Equestrian Center.
-- via UPHA